Meet DCA: Who is Brian Maroldt
Who is Brian Maroldt
In our everyday lives we sometimes have goals that we set or plans that we make. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they do not. Sports teams or individual players have dream seasons that do not happen too often. Such is the case with Brain Maroldt. Brian is the Drum Major of the Connecticut Hurricanes who was voted the best Drum Major at the DCA finals held in Rochester.
Brian is a graduate of Shelton, Ct. High School and played trumpet in the high school’s marching band. In 2003, Brian joined the Hurricanes where he played soprano. From 2004 through 2012 he remained a member of the horn line playing mellophone, tuba, and baritone. He became Drum Major in 2013 and has gained much experience and knowledge over the past two seasons.
He stated that he can feel from the podium if the corps is having a good run or a bad one. Brian must know the entire musical book as it is his responsibility to set the pace of the show. He communicates the tempo to the drum line and holds both the percussion and brass sections together, if there is a tear in the ensemble, it is his job to bring them back together. That is his main strength as drum major.
His first award as best drum major came in early August this past season at the Kingston, N.Y. show. He followed that up two weeks later in Scranton, Pa with another win. Total shock was how Brian described his win in Rochester as he won the award over several veteran drum majors. He has no explanation for his success and stated that his role model was David Bruni of the Empire Statesmen. Yes, Brian does not have the flair or showmanship that David had, but he still managed to get the job done in 2014.
This past season while exiting the stadium at one of the shows, Brian noticed an older gentleman having a great deal of difficulty exiting the stadium. Brian immediately offered his assistance and escorted the gentleman to his car and stayed with him until he was well enough to drive safely home. That, drum corps fans shows you the character of Brian Maroldt off the competition field.
In his non drum corps time Brian enjoys bowling, going to the movies, the Jersey Shore, and hanging out with his Hurricane friends. And to the female fans of DCA, Brian thanks them for their support but is in a very strong relationship with his girlfriend Lauren. The only goal Brian has set for the 2015 season is to be himself on the field and to continue to be the best that he can.