Drum Corps After Ageout
You’ve just had the time of your life and realized its your last time on the field…but what if it doesn’t have to be? What if there was a way for your to continue your love to perform, build on your years of practice and development, build a new friend group, and make drum corps a weekend love throughout life?
Don’t let your marching story end at age 21.
Drum Corps Associates provides an experience that is weekend only, lower cost, competitive, and more importantly entertaining. The DCA circuit is centered around local corps, regional shows, leading to World Championships over labor day each year. Handle your work and family commitments all week, and do drum corps on the weekend locally, building on your love to perform, while making new friends. FIND A CORPS TO JOIN
For World, Open, and Class A corps present shows designed for a weekend only schedule, with a focus on entertainment, with less major physical requirements of junior corps. Gone are the days of auditions, replaced with “Opening Day” style events that focus on member placement within the corps, and competition for competitive spots.
Rehearsal schedules are typically are 8-10 hours, and are either Sat or Sun Only, Sat and Sun, or a few that rehearse Fri-Sun. Corps average 8-12 shows many as day-trips or overnights including many in the Drum Corps International circuit in the All-Age class due to location. Members are often from the same family, have marched corps or HS/College band for many years, and are from all socioeconomic backgrounds. FIND A CORPS TO JOIN
Members are often grouped locally either living in an area of the corps, or within a few hours of driving. For lodging, each corps has their own policies and some may not provide lodging, but offer hotel discounts, access to low cost dorms with local organizations, or you making agreements with local members on your own. Meals are often served ala carte, or corps may release members for a long lunch to eat on their own.
For those who aren’t interested, or able to commit to a full competitive season, DCA also offers unique opportunities with many DCA Mini-Corps, and alumni corps. Mini-Corps are 5-25 members, who perform a short stage show the Friday of DCA World Championships. These corps are highly competitive musically often made up of performers with decades of experience with an intense passion for entertaining, and fun. No Mini-Corps near you? START YOUR OWN! It’s simple and very low cost and a great way to get your friends together and have a good time.
Alumni corps are typically made up of some members from a currently or formerly competitive corps. It’s a true love letter to traditional drum corps, with angular drill, honor guards, fun music, all performed at a special exhibition event. Often alumni corps open membership to anyone, and its truly a generational experience that is raw power and excitement!
Visit https://drumcorpsassociates.org/corps to find the nearest corps and get started!